CU Boulder Art Museum

I completed my Bachelor of Fine Arts at the University of Colorado Boulder fall of 2014 which concluded with a group exhibition at the CU Art Museum. My ten classmates and I named our exhibition, Blind Optimism. I presented landscape photographs I took, printed on alternative media: high quality silks. These silk prints were sewn into shirts and disguised on top of prints on paper in frames. I was compelled to find a new way to print a photograph, searching for new ways for a photograph to be valuable. This thesis exhibition was a result of a lot of trial and error finally resulted in wearable photographs.

university of colorado art gallery showing works by david brookton

© David Brookton, University of Colorado Boulder Art Museum. 2014.

© David Brookton, CU Art Museum. 2014.

© David Brookton, CU Art Museum. 2014.

It’s been a long journey. I’m deeply thankful for my undergraduate education and I’m excited to see where my skills can take me. Thank you to viewers for checking out my work, I’m looking forward to my next chapter.
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